What is Moodle?

Assuming that you need a system that will help you faultlessly administer a web–based training course, then you need to take a look at Moodle. Moodle is produced particularly for educators, teachers and lecturers, who want to publicize their knowledge on the www. Moodle is an open–source web application, which you can get at zero cost.

Regardless of the fact that Moodle can be described as a specialized niche application, it still maintains an incredibly effective and productive community. There are many completely free web themes and plug–ins that enhance existing key functions and also include new abilities to the Moodle software. There are a whole lot of websites and online forums, dedicated completely to Moodle.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and shares no connection with ArtMotion.

E-School Cloud Website Hosting Plans Services

By employing our E-School cloud website hosting plans solution, you could have your e–learning site installed online with a click. You only need to choose Moodle in the app drop–down menu in the sign–up form and we’ll set up your virtual learning environment immediately after we create your cloud website hosting plans account. It will give give you the chance to begin working on your e–learning project right after the sign–up process has been carried out.

Each individual E-School cloud website hosting plans package is secured by a variety of service guarantees for the reliable performance of one’s web based classes. Your cloud website hosting plans account will be arranged 100% free and is going to contain a 99.9% uptime guarantee. In addition, if you are not satisfied with the E-School cloud website hosting plans service, you are able to make use of the 30–day money–back guarantee.

A Point & Click Web Control Panel

In order to make the administration of your Moodle academic site easier, we’ve made our own unique Web Control Panel. It’s offered in more than 10 languages and combines site supervision and domain management in one location. It’s moreover developed to live completely within the cloud and supplies quickness and protection more advanced than those of alternative control panels.

The Control Panel is full of absolutely free functions and bonuses. Thanks to our E-School cloud website hosting plans plan, you’ll have Moodle set up by default. Using our control panel, you are able to install any one of more than 40 well–known web applications including Joomla and Wordpress with zero configuration required, due to the Applications Installer. Also, you’re able to use the Web Accelerator Tools to considerably speed up your sites. Our Online Stats Manager will begin working instantly, without having to incorporate any sort of tracking code to your sites.