Free Templates

More than 100 totally free Joomla and WordPress design skins to select from

You can easily download a new Wordpress or Joomla template with one click of the mouse from your Web Control Panel. You do not have to visit third–party websites for superior–quality web site themes. We have a huge collection for you readily incorporated into your hosting account. All you need to do is select the web page theme that you want and then press the Download button. All web themes are totally free for you.

Free Templates

Website Installer

Start your site with just a mouse click

Creating your web sites is as easy as rolling off a log with our swift, one–click Site Installer Tool. Absolutely no HTML coding is required, no web design skills are required. All you have to do is to specify the kind of website that you want – personal or business, and a web design skin of your preference. Then push the Install button and your brand new website will be published online straight away. You will find the Website Installer within the ArtMotion Web Control Panel.

Website Installer

24x7 Support

24/7/365 Support

Our team of knowledgeable technicians will be waiting for you to contact twenty–four–seven for any issues that you might have about our cloud website hosting solutions. Whether you’re in need of suggestions or have a serious problem to resolve, we will be here to assist you. You may reach us via email or using the ticketing system. A 1–hour response is guaranteed. You can also give us a buzz or use our live chat service during work hours.

24x7 Support

True Cloud Platform

We have made use of the latest cloud server technology when constructing our own hosting system, which is insusceptible to unexpected service interruptions and downtimes. All of the services connected with your site like DNSs, emails, databases, web apps, etc. are run on different servers to ensure that even if there’s an overload problem, your web site will still be working hassle–free.

True Cloud Platform

  • Service guarantees

  • All of our packages come with absolutely no set up fees as well as a 30 day reimbursement guarantee. ArtMotion’s average response time is usually 20 minutes.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a glance at the tools and features supplied by all of our web hosting packages. You can start with a cheaper plan and move up with only a click of the mouse when your web presence expands.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • It is possible to make contact with us during working hours on the phone for any general info.