When you get a website hosting server with the purpose to start your personal website hosting company and to resell packages to various other people, you may as well want to sell domain names, so that you can give your customers the chance to obtain everything they want for their new Internet site from just a single place. To be an accredited registrar involves thousands of dollars and a considerable amount of documentation, so the most effective solution would be to sign up for a domain name reseller account with an existing registrar company. Your reseller Internet site will be connected to that account by using the registrar's API. Employing such an account has a lot of advantages - all your customers are able to purchase and to control new domain names without difficulty; the price of a new registration is lower when compared to what you'd have to spend as an end customer; also you will be able to start reselling right away. The registrar businesses which sell domain reseller accounts often require some money as a deposit.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in VPS Servers

When you get a VPS servers through our company and you select the cPanel web hosting Control Panel throughout the registration process, you will not need to look further for a domain name reseller account, since we'll give you one at no additional charge. The account will be with one of the biggest ICANN-accredited registrars, eNom, and it'll help you supply numerous domain extensions to your clients - both generic and country-specific ones. The advantage of using the account which we'll supply you with is that it's under our own account with them, so you will not be required to pay the deposit they normally require and you can register and / or renew website names at a lower price. You can use the eNom account with any kind of payment software that you intend to use to charge your customers, including ClientExec. The last mentioned is one of the freebies we give with every single cPanel-based virtual server plan.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in Dedicated Servers

All of the dedicated web hosting plans which are ordered with the cPanel website hosting Control Panel feature several freebies and one of these is a domain name reseller account with eNom. This is one of the largest registrar companies and they will allow you to offer over one hundred generic and country-code domain name extensions to your clients, which will give you an advantage over your competitors. The account that we'll supply you with will be under our own account and as we use their top reseller package, you can benefit from their lowest prices. What's more, you won't have to purchase anything or to make any kind of deposit for your account. The eNom domain reseller account can be used with any back-end solution, such as WHMCS and ClientExec, which means that your customers can obtain a website hosting package as well as a domain name together. The aforementioned comes free of charge with all the cPanel-equipped dedicated servers as well.