In case you offer products and services on your website and you'd like the payment details that customers send to be secure, you need an SSL certificate. Secure Sockets Layer is a protocol that encrypts the info exchanged between a user and a web server, but to acquire an SSL, you will need a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). This is Base64 encoded info that the SSL service provider will use to create the certificate. The CSR contains the website address, Business name and Unit, postal address and email of the entity that will use the certificate. The Certificate Authority reviews and authorizes the CSR before it gives an SSL certificate which is signed in an electronic format with its private key as an authority. To be able to install an SSL, you'll need an overall of 4 batches of code - the CSR, a Private Key that is made when you generate your Request, the actual certificate along with a special Certificate Authority code, which is unique for every single vendor.

SSL Certificate Generator in Cloud Website Hosting

We offer SSL certificates in addition to our cloud website hosting plans, so if you would like to give protection to the details your visitors submit, you're able to obtain one from your Hepsia Control Panel. With our SSL wizard, you'll be able to enter the company/personal details that you wish to be associated with the certificate and our system will generate the CSR along with a unique private key. You'll get a message from our supplier in order to verify your order and following that, the SSL certificate will be installed automatically in case you have selected this attribute in the wizard during your order. In this way, you will not have to do anything at all manually as our system will do the necessary and your new certificate will be active shortly after that. Needless to say, if you wish to use a different SSL vendor, you can still use the CSR that you have generated using your account.

SSL Certificate Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you develop an e-store and you have some login form and your site is hosted in a semi-dedicated server account on our cloud website hosting platform, you might wish to use an SSL certificate. Because we supply SSLs together with our hosting services, you are able to order your new certificate from the very same Hepsia Control Panel where you manage your site content. All you will have to do is to enter the required information - personal and business. Considering that we have an auto-installer, our system will generate the Certificate Signing Request and the Private Key, then keep track of the SSL status with our vendor and set up everything for you. The sole action required by you will be to accept the certificate order via electronic mail. In case you already have another vendor, you can only create a CSR and then submit it to them, so that they can give you an SSL that you'll be able to set up inside your account with us.